Thursday, May 13, 2010

Doing the Right Thing on Immigration Issue

I have mixed emotions about Texas adopting an immigration law similar to Arizona. There is no denying Texas needs to do something to fix illegal immigration plaguing our state, but we need to be fair.

Arizona's SB1070 bill has good intentions. The state wants to stamp out the financial burden and crime caused by illegal immigration. However, this new law has civil rights violation lawsuits written all over it! The law specifically states it does not allow police to demand identification from individual without cause or to solely deport someone.....YEAH RIGHT! Who is Arizona kidding?! Whoever wrote that clause has clearly NEVER been racially profiled. This law gives police a free pass to harass any and all Hispanics fitting this description anytime they choose. For non-minorities who have never been harassed by a police officer having a bad day for only being Black or Hispanic, this might be hard to believe. This happens daily throughout the U.S. The profiling concern is one of the main reasons behind the outcry and boycott of Arizona. What this now means is everyone fitting that profile must have their immigration papers on them at all times or possibly be detained or deported. That is not right!

One of the arguements from those who agree with the Arizona law are complaining about paying for Medicaid and welfare for these illegal immigrants, but that is not exactly true. Remember, the most recent 'Texas on the Brink' update showed Texas ranked last in providing welfare to our residents, so the number can't be too outrageous for undocumented immigrants, that's a myth.

Additionally, I just flat out don't buy the argument that illegal immigrants are taking our jobs....really?! They are working the low-skilled, low-paying jobs our native born Americans are too good for. Let's be honest, American's are too good to work fast food, so you think they will work construction in Texas' 100+ degree?!

Yes, something needs to be done about this issue. All immigrants should know how to speak English, no one should be allowed to break the law and live here without paying taxes. But, let's do the right thing for undocumented immigrants in good standing who have been here for years, let them pay a fine and become legal, tax-paying citizens. Isn't Texas going broke...anything will help!

The last thing we need is another badly written piece of legislation. We need to fix the immigration system as a whole. It's old and broken and this issue can no longer stand to be put on the back burner. At the end of the day, we have to remember that these are human beings, just like our ancestors. How soon we forget, we are ALL decedents from immigrants.

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